- 1ac: OUTFANGTHIEF: Fit to hang, feu being exercised? It could clobber distant felon (12): *(FIT TO HANG FEU)
- 10ac: FERETORY: Con, after running free, in shrine (8): *(FREE) + TORY (Con)
- 11ac: ARNA: Source of ghee? You’ll find this is used in Asian recipe (4): (ARNA + IS) = ASIAN R(ecipe)
- 12ac: SLOT: Soak imbibing litre in bar ...; (4): SOT (soak) + L(itre)
- 13ac: STOPLOSS: ... Soak similarly drunk with slops meant to minimize wastage? (8): *(SOT) (soak similarly) + *(SLOPS)
- 14ac: TAPIOCA: Pudding, alternative to pie in a covering, rolled round (7): PI (alternative of “pie”) in A COAT (covering) reversed
- 16ac: ERICA: Bushy plant amateur removed from Uncle Sam (5): AMERICA (Uncle Sam) - AM(ateur)
- 18ac: CUPEL: Goldsmith’s vessel made of copper I can cut from alembic (5): CU (copper) + PELICAN (alembic) - I CAN
- 19ac: PETITORY: Troubled type makes case for it before submitting formal request (8): IT + OR (before) with *(TYPE) around
- 22ac: INTERLAY: Place between Tay and liner at sea (8): *(TAY LINER)
- 24ac: NAIAS: Wild Asian water plants (5): *(ASIAN)
- 27ac: FETES: Honours school half-heartedly? (5): FET(t)ES; ref. Fettes
- 29ac: HIGHSET: Cracking eight’s about No. 1 in Henley, pre-eminently placed (7): *(EIGHTS) around H(enley)
- 30ac: ROTENONE: Saw inside their eggs what may be fatal for fish (8): TENON (saw) in ROE (fish eggs)
- 31ac: ACOL: Amateur given saddle in system leading to contracts? (4): A(mature) + COL (saddle); ref. Acol
- 32ac: MUMM: Masquerade displaying fizz (4): Double Definition; ref. Mumm
- 33ac: STILLAGE: Stand for casks badly stored in shelf (8): ILL (badly) in STAGE (shelf)
- 34ac: STREET SMARTS: Strong teamsters organized in wily Chicago-style know-how (12, 2 words): STR(ong) + *(TEAMSTERS)
- 1dn: OFSTED: Watchdog ’ad position in chair, fine inside (6): ’OSTED (’ad position in chair) around F(ine); ref. Ofsted
- 2dn: TROPISTIC: Responding to stimulus, I mostly remain after drink’s served up (9): PORT (drink) reversed + I + STIC(k) (remain)
- 3dn: FETICHE: Obsession one’s trapped by was effective endlessly (7): I in FETCHE(d) (was effective)
- 4dn: NOTCHEL: Denial of liability in brief letter left involving children (7): NOTE (brief letter) around CH(ildren) + L(eft)
- 5dn: GROAT: Old-style fourpenny one’s attack catching Bunter’s rear (5): GO AT (attack) + (bunte)R
- 6dn: TYPIC: Representative showing selection of pretty pictures (5): pretTY PICtures
- 7dn: HALM: Holy place I do out in straw (4): HALIDOM (holy place) - I DO
- 8dn: ENS PER SE: Pen’s translated Irish Gaelic? It exists purely in the mind (8, 3 words): *(PENS) + ERSE (Irish Gaelic)
- 9dn: FASTLY: A stone inset by fashionable American firmly (old) (6): A ST(one) in FLY
- 15dn: SPORTS CAR: Morgan maybe having to exhibit evidence of injury (9, 2 words): SPORT (exhibit) SCAR (evidence of injury)
- 17dn: RUNABOUT: Light car leaked fluid around autobahn (8): RUN OUT (leaked fluid) around A(uto)B(ahn)
- 20dn: TAHINIS: Oily pastes from sea fish containing measure of fluid (7): TAIS (sea fish) around HIN (Hebr. fluid measure)
- 21dn: TREHALA: ‘Turkish delight’? Watchful when it comes up to grab centre of that! (7): ALERT (watchful) reversed around (t)HA(t)
- 22dn: INARMS: Like wee one belonging to a besotted Mrs (6): IN (belonging to) + A + *(MRS)
- 23dn: ISTLES: Plant fibres nursed by botanist Leschenault (6): botanIST LESchenault
- 25dn: SENSE: Since old, presiding over English faculty (5): SENS (obs. “since”) + E(nglish)
- 26dn: SHOTT: Hot and very dry around watercourse, shallow (5): H(ot) in SO (very) TT (dry)
- 28dn: DEME: Classical township is wiped out in the end (4): DEMISE (the end) - IS