Perhaps fewer obscurities and references this week? One fun thing to do with copious free time would be to examine the crossword data for patterns. Some day.
- 1ac: CHLORACNE: Skin condition left over after hospital in dispersal of cancer: L(eft) O(ver) after H(ospital) in *(CANCER)
- 10ac: ROUX: Right page in book wife follows for thickening in recipe: RO (recto) + UX (wife)
- 11ac: GOA BEAN: Tropical African plant Gabon developed at edges of river: *(GABON) around EA (river)
- 12ac: OREADES: Nymphs are dancing in e.g. Horatian verses: *(ARE) inside ODES (ref. Horace's Odes)
- 13ac: MARSH: It may suggest Romney is disfiguring horse's head: MARS (is disfiguring) + H(orse)
- 14ac: WINTERISE: Astute about earth, prepare for colder times: WISE (astute) around INTER (earth)
- 15ac: BEIN: Scots well-to-do, not the last in essence: BEIN(g) (essense)
- 16ac: PEAR: E.g. conference held in deep earnest: deeP EARnest; ref.
- 17ac: HUCKSTERESS: Suckers she's bamboozled about a bit of tat?: *(SUCKERS SHES) about T(at) &lit.
- 19ac: MONTICOLOUS: Sign of Japanese family, lacking heart (does
one hear?), living the high life: MON (sign) + TI
+ COLOUS (sounds like “callous” = heartless)
- 23ac: ISMS: Lissomest will regularly display such practices: lIsSoMeSt
- 26ac: SPRY: One disembarks from jet with a spring in one's step: SPR(a)Y (= jet)
- 28ac: RHEOTROPE: It switches current or the flow in e.g. cable: *(OR THE) in ROPE
- 29ac: GARNI: Trimmed turns in college entertainment: IN RAG (college ent.) reversed
- 30ac: UNITION: Making one fortification metre short at front: (m)UNITION (fortification)
- 31ac: ENTROPY: Field of medicine not good? This may measure system disorder: ENT (Ear Nose and Throat) + ROPY (not good)
- 32ac: IMAC: Range of modern computers (mica chips): *(MICA)
- 33ac: INTEGRATE: Fashionable neck/breast of lamb turning on end of rotisserie, whole: IN + TARGET (neck/breast of lamb) reversed + (rotisseri)E
- 1dn: CROMB: Crook with card concealing queen: COMB (card) around R (Regina = queen)
- 2dn: HORDEUM: Grain crop giving many people starters for usual meals: HORDE (many people) + U(sual) M(eals)
- 3dn: LUETIC: Clue – it's contrived, pestilential (and unjustifiable): *(CLUE IT)
- 4dn: RADIO STATION: Broadcaster delivering farewell, on time, within quota: ADIOS + T(ime) inside RATION (quota)
- 5dn: COSTAE: Company grub served up: bones: CO + EATS reversed
- 6dn: NAMEDROPPING: Attempt to impress in garden pomp laid out: *(IN GARDEN POMP)
- 7dn: SERIES: Sequence I'll appear in is drying up: I inside SERES (is drying up)
- 8dn: LASSA: Source of fever, most serious drugs, first to be avoided: (c)LASS A (most serious drugs)
- 9dn: INHERES: Section of cabin he restored is natural: cabIN HE REStored
- 11dn: GENS: Clan left out of highland ghylls: GLENS (ghylls) - L(eft)
- 17dn: HAIRGEL: A girl he's taken out displaying superior dressing: *(A GIRL HE)
- 18dn: SURCOAT: Jock's undershirt made by company in coarse cotton: CO(mpany) in SURAT (cotton)
- 20dn: OMERTA: It stops one informing on crooked mate that's run in: O (on) + *(MATE) around R(un)
- 21dn: IRRUPT: Italian holding roller aloft to force entry: IT(alian) around PURR (roller) reversed
- 22dn: OPTIMA: Work period cut short, accepted most favourable conditions: OP (work) + TIM(e) + A(ccepted)
- 24dn: SHANK: Bad shot was degrading (about fifth from rough): SANK (was degrading) around (roug)H
- 25dn: TONY: Wally getting award from fine play?: Double definition (ref. Tonys)
- 27dn: YINCE: St Mirren's formerly given run around by playin' Celtic: plaYIN CEltic