OK, when I said “that never happens”, I clearly didn't expect this.
- 2ac: GLASNOSTIC: Signal cost ‘varied’ in the spirit of openness: *(SIGNALCOST); ref. Glasnost
- 10ac: GOOROO: Schmaltz on jumper spelling ‘revered old teacher’: GOO (= schmaltz) + ROO (= kangaroo); variant of “guru”
- 11ac: CORNEA: Cereal crop alongside river – it's regularly grafted: CORN + EA (= river); ref. Corneal grafting
- 13ac: GORGON: What abstainers drink, reverting? It's appallingly ugly: NO GROG reversed
- 14ac: QUAINT: Stop holding ‘amateur’ as meaning ‘lovably odd’: QUINT (organ stop) around A(mateur)
- 15ac: SPIE: Not the actor? That is what Marlowe doubled as possibly: THESP (= actor) - THE + IE; ref. Christophe Marlowe
- 16ac: PURPOSE: Turned up poser solved, the desired goal: UP reversed + *(POSER)
- 20ac: EITHER: Solvent? I admitted it may introduce an alternative: ETHER (solvent) around I
- 21ac: RINSES: Light bathes north in upward slopes: N(orth) in RISES
- 22ac: NATANT: Swimming in Mediterranean at Antibes: mediterraneaN AT ANTibes
- 24ac: ENTRAP: Snare with associate (all but red) made to backtrack: PARTNERED - RED
- 28ac: DIAPASE: Old melody to fade with a dance coming in: DIE (= fade) around PAS (dance)
- 30ac: GLEN: Depression, often extended, a feature of singleness: sinGLENess
- 31ac: IMPARL: I unfolded map with both hands to hold a confab: I + *(MAP) + RL (both hands)
- 32ac: SHALLI: Look at these delicate fibres – do you think I should?: Double definition
- 33ac: CAPRID: E.g. angora bonnet, free?: CAP (= bonnet) + RID (= free); ref. Angora
- 34ac: SAPELE: Fine wood from Peru got in auction: PE(ru) in SALE (= auction)
- 35ac: METACENTRE: Mozart's first entr'acte composed containing English: a point of intersection: M(ozart) + *(ENTRACTE) around E(nglish): ref. Metacentre
- 1dn: EGGS BENEDICT: Binges with ged etc cooked in tasty snack: *(BINGES GED ETC)
- 2dn: GOOPY: Energy starting work with bit of yolk, glutinous: GO (= energy) + OP(us) + Y(olk)
- 3dn: LORIOT: Pretty bird, one yet to pass test with love and loose living: L (ref. L-plate) + O (love) + RIOT; var. oriole
- 4dn: SOOK: Aussie wimp, and accordingly not particularly good: SO (accordingly) + OK (not particularly good)
- 5dn: NONPARTY: Parton active in New York, unattached politically: N(ew) Y(ork) outside *(PARTON)
- 6dn: SOURCING: Finding origin of crab-apple? It includes Cuba: SOURING outside C(uba)
- 7dn: TRAPUNTO: Type of quilting made of horsecloth until obsolete: TRAP (horsecloth) + UNTO (obs. until)
- 8dn: INION: Lackey has head clipped causing lump thereon: (m)INION
- 9dn: WATER SPANIEL: Gundog that's reliant with paws galloping round heart of fen?: *(RELIANT PAWS) around fEn
- 12dn: ENSUE: To succeed it must be removed fom a bathroom: EN-SUITE - IT
- 17dn: CHAMPART: Amateur page in carriage, what feudal lord was entitled to: HAM (amateur) + P(age) in CART (carriage)
- 18dn: DENTARIA: Parasitic plant strangely radiant about end of tree: *(RADIANT) around treE
- 19dn: BRETESSE: Gallery helping the beseiged – network's replacing one in foundation: BASSE (= foundation) with A (one) replaced by RETE (= network)
- 23dn: ANIMA: A good mimic uplifted the feminine in a man: A MINA (var. myna, starling capable of imitations) reversed.
- 25dn: ROLLER: Canary, one singing, about to fly off: CAROLLER - CA (= circa, about)
- 26dn: NAPPE: Chump losing last sheet of sums: NAPPER (= head) - R
- 27dn: SELLE: E.g. palfrey's saddle, partly tasselled: tasSELLEd
- 29dn: KHAN: Dirk (Persian) pulling jar in eastern inn: KHANJAR (Persian dagger) - JAR
So there we go: two in a row.