### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ### modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence as ### published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ### Licence, or (at your option) any later version. ### ### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ### MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ### GNU General Public Licence for more details. ### ### A copy of version 2 of the GNU General Public Licence is available ### at ; the ### latest version of the GNU General Public Licence is available at ### . swank <- function(port=4005) { acceptConnections(port, FALSE) } startSwank <- function(portFile) { acceptConnections(FALSE, portFile) } acceptConnections <- function(port, portFile) { s <- socketConnection(host="localhost", server=TRUE, port=port, open="r+b") on.exit(close(s)) serve(s) } serve <- function(io) { mainLoop(io) } mainLoop <- function(io) { slimeConnection <- new.env() slimeConnection$io <- io while(TRUE) { withRestarts(tryCatch(dispatch(slimeConnection, readPacket(io)), swankTopLevel=function(c) NULL), abort="return to SLIME's toplevel") } } dispatch <- function(slimeConnection, event, sldbState=NULL) { str(event) kind <- event[[1]] if(kind == quote(`:emacs-rex`)) { do.call("emacsRex", c(list(slimeConnection), list(sldbState), event[-1])) } } sendToEmacs <- function(slimeConnection, obj) { io <- slimeConnection$io str(obj) payload <- writeSexpToString(obj) writeChar(sprintf("%06x", nchar(payload)), io, eos=NULL) writeChar(payload, io, eos=NULL) flush(io) cat(sprintf("%06x", nchar(payload)), payload, sep="") } callify <- function(form) { ## we implement here the conversion from Lisp S-expression (or list) ## expressions of code into our own, swankr, calling convention, ## with slimeConnection and sldbState as first and second arguments. ## as.call() gets us part of the way, but we need to walk the list ## recursively to mimic CL:EVAL; we need to avoid converting R ## special operators which we are punning (only `quote`, for now) ## into this calling convention. if(is.list(form)) { if(form[[1]] == quote(quote)) { as.call(form) } else { as.call(c(list(form[[1]], quote(slimeConnection), quote(sldbState)), lapply(form[-1], callify))) } } else { form } } emacsRex <- function(slimeConnection, sldbState, form, pkg, thread, id, level=0) { ok <- FALSE value <- NULL tryCatch({ withCallingHandlers({ call <- callify(form) value <- eval(call) ok <- TRUE }, error=function(c) { newSldbState <- makeSldbState(c, if(is.null(sldbState)) 0 else sldbState$level+1, id) withRestarts(sldbLoop(slimeConnection, newSldbState, id), abort=paste("return to sldb level", newSldbState$level)) })}, finally=sendToEmacs(slimeConnection, list(quote(`:return`), if(ok) list(quote(`:ok`), value) else list(quote(`:abort`)), id))) } makeSldbState <- function(condition, level, id) { calls <- rev(sys.calls())[-1] frames <- rev(sys.frames())[-1] restarts <- rev(computeRestarts(condition))[-1] ret <- list(condition=condition, level=level, id=id, restarts=restarts, calls=calls, frames=frames) class(ret) <- c("sldbState", class(ret)) ret } sldbLoop <- function(slimeConnection, sldbState, id) { tryCatch({ io <- slimeConnection$io sendToEmacs(slimeConnection, c(list(quote(`:debug`), id, sldbState$level), `swank:debugger-info-for-emacs`(slimeConnection, sldbState))) sendToEmacs(slimeConnection, list(quote(`:debug-activate`), id, sldbState$level, FALSE)) while(TRUE) { dispatch(slimeConnection, readPacket(io), sldbState) } }, finally=sendToEmacs(slimeConnection, c(list(quote(`:debug-return`), id, sldbState$level, FALSE)))) } readPacket <- function(io) { socketSelect(list(io)) header <- readChunk(io, 6) len <- strtoi(header, base=16) payload <- readChunk(io, len) readSexpFromString(payload) } readChunk <- function(io, len) { buffer <- readChar(io, len) if(nchar(buffer) != len) { stop("short read in readChunk") } buffer } readSexpFromString <- function(string) { pos <- 1 read <- function() { skipWhitespace() char <- substr(string, pos, pos) switch(char, "("=readList(), "\""=readString(), "'"=readQuote(), { if(pos > nchar(string)) stop("EOF during read") obj <- readNumberOrSymbol() if(obj == quote(`.`)) { stop("Consing dot not implemented") } obj }) } skipWhitespace <- function() { while(substr(string, pos, pos) %in% c(" ", "\t", "\n")) { pos <<- pos + 1 } } readList <- function() { ret <- list() pos <<- pos + 1 while(TRUE) { skipWhitespace() char <- substr(string, pos, pos) if(char == ")") { pos <<- pos + 1 break } else { obj <- read() if(length(obj) == 1 && obj == quote(`.`)) { stop("Consing dot not implemented") } ret <- c(ret, list(obj)) } } ret } readString <- function() { ret <- "" addChar <- function(c) { ret <<- paste(ret, c, sep="") } while(TRUE) { pos <<- pos + 1 char <- substr(string, pos, pos) switch(char, "\""={ pos <<- pos + 1; break }, "\\"={ pos <<- pos + 1 char2 <- substr(string, pos, pos) switch(char2, "\""=addChar(char2), "\\"=addChar(char2), stop("Unrecognized escape character")) }, addChar(char)) } ret } readNumberOrSymbol <- function() { token <- readToken() if(nchar(token)==0) { stop("End of file reading token") } else if(grepl("^[0-9]+$", token)) { strtoi(token) } else if(grepl("^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$", token)) { as.double(token) } else { as.name(token) } } readToken <- function() { token <- "" while(TRUE) { char <- substr(string, pos, pos) if(char == "") { break; } else if(char %in% c(" ", "\n", "\t", "(", ")", "\"", "'")) { break; } else { token <- paste(token, char, sep="") pos <<- pos + 1 } } token } read() } writeSexpToString <- function(obj) { writeSexpToStringLoop <- function(obj) { switch(typeof(obj), "character"={ string <- paste(string, "\"", gsub("([\"\\])", "\\\\\\1", obj), "\"", sep="") }, "list"={ string <- paste(string, "(", sep="") max <- length(obj) if(max > 0) { for(i in 1:max) { string <- paste(string, writeSexpToString(obj[[i]]), sep="") if(i != max) { string <- paste(string, " ", sep="") } } } string <- paste(string, ")", sep="") }, "symbol"={ string <- paste(string, as.character(obj), sep="") }, "logical"={ string <- if(obj) { paste(string, "t", sep="") } else { paste(string, "nil", sep="") }}, "double"={ string <- paste(string, as.character(obj), sep="") }, "integer"={ string <- paste(string, as.character(obj), sep="") }, stop(paste("can't write object ", obj, sep=""))) string } string <- "" writeSexpToStringLoop(obj) } printToString <- function(val) { f <- fifo("") tryCatch({ sink(f); print(val); sink(); readLines(f) }, finally=close(f)) } `swank:connection-info` <- function (slimeConnection, sldbState) { list(quote(`:pid`), Sys.getpid(), quote(`:package`), list(quote(`:name`), "R", quote(`:prompt`), "R> "), quote(`:lisp-implementation`), list(quote(`:type`), "R", quote(`:name`), "R", quote(`:version`), paste(R.version$major, R.version$minor, sep="."))) } `swank:swank-require` <- function (slimeConnection, sldbState, contribs) { for(contrib in contribs) { filename <- sprintf("%s.R", as.character(contrib)) if(file.exists(filename)) { source(filename, verbose=TRUE) } } list() } `swank:create-repl` <- function(slimeConnection, sldbState, env, ...) { list("R", "R") } sendReplResult <- function(slimeConnection, value) { string <- printToString(value) sendToEmacs(slimeConnection, list(quote(`:write-string`), paste(string, collapse="\n"), quote(`:repl-result`))) } sendReplResultFunction <- sendReplResult `swank:listener-eval` <- function(slimeConnection, sldbState, string) { string <- gsub("#\\.\\(swank:lookup-presented-object-or-lose([^)]*)\\)", ".(`swank:lookup-presented-object-or-lose`(slimeConnection, sldbState,\\1))", string) expr <- parse(text=string)[[1]] lookedup <- do.call("bquote", list(expr)) value <- eval(lookedup, envir = globalenv()) sendReplResultFunction(slimeConnection, value) list() } `swank:autodoc` <- function(slimeConnection, sldbState, rawForm, ...) { "No Arglist Information" } `swank:operator-arglist` <- function(slimeConnection, sldbState, op, package) { list() } `swank:throw-to-toplevel` <- function(slimeConnection, sldbState) { condition <- simpleCondition("Throw to toplevel") class(condition) <- c("swankTopLevel", class(condition)) signalCondition(condition) } `swank:backtrace` <- function(slimeConnection, sldbState, from=0, to=NULL) { calls <- sldbState$calls if(is.null(to)) to <- length(calls) from <- from+1 calls <- lapply(calls[from:to], { frameNumber <- from-1; function (x) { ret <- list(frameNumber, paste(format(x), sep="", collapse=" ")) frameNumber <<- 1+frameNumber ret } }) } computeRestartsForEmacs <- function (sldbState) { lapply(sldbState$restarts, function(x) { ## this is all a little bit internalsy restartName <- x[[1]][[1]] description <- restartDescription(x) list(restartName, if(is.null(description)) restartName else description) }) } `swank:debugger-info-for-emacs` <- function(slimeConnection, sldbState, from=0, to=NULL) { list(list(as.character(sldbState$condition), sprintf(" [%s]", class(sldbState$condition)[[1]]), FALSE), computeRestartsForEmacs(sldbState), `swank:backtrace`(slimeConnection, sldbState, from, to), list(sldbState$id)) } `swank:invoke-nth-restart-for-emacs` <- function(slimeConnection, sldbState, level, n) { if(sldbState$level == level) { invokeRestart(sldbState$restarts[[n+1]]) } } `swank:frame-source-location` <- function(slimeConnection, sldbState, n) { call <- sldbState$calls[[n+1]] srcref <- attr(call, "srcref") srcfile <- attr(srcref, "srcfile") if(is.null(srcfile)) { list(quote(`:error`), "no srcfile") } else { list(quote(`:location`), list(quote(`:file`), sprintf("%s/%s", srcfile$wd, srcfile$filename)), list(quote(`:line`), srcref[[1]], srcref[[2]]-1), FALSE) } } `swank:buffer-first-change` <- function(slimeConnection, sldbState, filename) { FALSE } `swank:frame-locals-and-catch-tags` <- function(slimeConnection, sldbState, index) { str(sldbState$frames) frame <- sldbState$frames[[1+index]] objs <- ls(envir=frame) list(lapply(objs, function(name) { list(quote(`:name`), name, quote(`:id`), 0, quote(`:value`), paste(printToString(eval(parse(text=name), envir=frame)), sep="", collapse="\n")) }), list()) } `swank:simple-completions` <- function(slimeConnection, sldbState, prefix, package) { ## fails multiply if prefix contains regexp metacharacters matches <- apropos(sprintf("^%s", prefix), ignore.case=FALSE) nmatches <- length(matches) if(nmatches == 0) { list(list(), "") } else { longest <- matches[order(nchar(matches))][1] while(length(grep(sprintf("^%s", longest), matches)) < nmatches) { longest <- substr(longest, 1, nchar(longest)-1) } list(as.list(matches), longest) } } `swank:compile-string-for-emacs` <- function(slimeConnection, sldbState, string, buffer, position, filename, policy) { # FIXME: I think in parse() here we can use srcref to associate # buffer/filename/position to the objects. Or something. withRestarts({ times <- system.time(eval(parse(text=string), envir = globalenv())) }, abort="abort compilation") list(quote(`:compilation-result`), list(), TRUE, times[3]) } `swank:interactive-eval` <- function(slimeConnection, sldbState, string) { retry <- TRUE value <- "" while(retry) { retry <- FALSE withRestarts(value <- eval(parse(text=string), envir = globalenv()), retry=list(description="retry SLIME interactive evaluation request", handler=function() retry <<- TRUE)) } printToString(value) } `swank:eval-and-grab-output` <- function(slimeConnection, sldbState, string) { retry <- TRUE value <- "" output <- NULL f <- fifo("") tryCatch({ sink(f) while(retry) { retry <- FALSE withRestarts(value <- eval(parse(text=string), envir = globalenv()), retry=list(description="retry SLIME interactive evaluation request", handler=function() retry <<- TRUE))}}, finally={sink(); output <- readLines(f); close(f)}) list(output, printToString(value)) } `swank:find-definitions-for-emacs` <- function(slimeConnection, sldbState, string) { if(exists(string, envir = globalenv())) { thing <- get(string, envir = globalenv()) if(inherits(thing, "function")) { body <- body(thing) srcref <- attr(body, "srcref") srcfile <- attr(body, "srcfile") if(is.null(srcfile)) { list() } else { filename <- get("filename", srcfile) list(list(sprintf("function %s", string), list(quote(`:location`), list(quote(`:file`), sprintf("%s/%s", srcfile$wd, srcfile$filename)), list(quote(`:line`), srcref[[2]][[1]], srcref[[2]][[2]]-1), list()))) } } else { list() } } else { list() } }