]> rhodes.io Git - squeeze-el.git/summary
Christophe Weblog Wiki Code Publications Music
descriptionEmacs mode for interacting with Squeezebox servers
ownerChristophe Rhodes
last changeFri, 12 Dec 2014 17:29:12 +0000 (17:29 +0000)
2014-12-12 Christophe... attempt to do the right thing for common cases of unsel... master
2014-12-12 Christophe... convenience for squeeze connection parameters
2014-12-07 Christophe... experimental support for listing albums
2014-12-07 Christophe... player commands
2014-12-07 Christophe... notifications on new song
2014-12-07 Christophe... update syncgroups parser for new server
2014-12-01 Christophe... allow squeeze completion on known squeeze player ids
2014-10-30 Christophe... handle the case when there are zero connected players
2014-10-25 Christophe... much better `squeeze-unhex-and-decode-utf8-string'
2014-10-25 Christophe... slightly better `squeeze-update-state'
2014-10-21 Christophe... include underscore as a valid character in plist keys
2014-10-21 Christophe... whitespace
2014-10-21 Christophe... helpful `squeeze-parse-count' function
2014-10-21 Christophe... manage messages split into multiple chunks
2014-10-16 Christophe... a couple of robustification fixes
2014-10-16 Christophe... better interface for squeeze and squeeze-control
10 years ago master