#| XXX insert motivating example from Newton/Rhodes here |#
** signum
- NB this example can definitely be done using filtered dispatch.
+ Our second example of the implementation and use of generalized
+ specializers is a reimplementation of one of the examples in
+ \cite{Costanza.etal:2008}: specifically, the factorial function.
+ Here, we will perform dispatch based on the =signum= of the
+ argument, and again, at most one method with a =signum= specializer
+ will be appliable to any given argument, which makes the structure
+ of the specializer implementation very similar to the =cons=
+ specializers in the previous section.
- Point out obvious similarity between this and car-of-cons. Note
- the subtlety, though, in generalizer-of-using-class / signum wrt
- rational vs floating point arguments
+ We have chosen to compare signum values using \texttt{=}, which
+ means that a method with specializer =(signum 1)= will be
+ applicable to positive floating-point arguments (see the first
+ method on =specializer-accepts-generalizer-p= and the method on
+ =specializer=accepts-p= below). This leads to one subtle
+ difference in behaviour compared to that of the =cons=
+ specializers: in the case of =signum= specializers, the /next/
+ method after any =signum= specializer can be different, depending
+ on the class of the argument. This aspect of the dispatch is
+ handled by the second method on =specializer-accepts-generalizer-p=
+ below.
#+begin_src lisp
(defclass signum-specializer (specializer)
((%signum :reader %signum :initarg :signum)))
(and (realp o) (= (%signum s) (signum o))))
#| again elide more boring methods |#
+Given these definitions, and some more straightforward ones elided for
+reasons of space, we can implement the factorial function as follows:
+#+begin_src lisp
(defgeneric fact (n)
(:generic-function-class signum-generic-function))
(defmethod fact ((n (signum 0))) 1)
(defmethod fact ((n (signum 1))) (* n (fact (1- n))))
-(defmethod fact ((n (signum -1)))
- (error "factorial of negative number: ~D" n))
+We do not need to include a method on (signum -1), as the standard
+=no-applicable-method= protocol will automatically apply to negative
+real or non-real arguments.
+Benchmarketing: we chose to benchmark 20! because that is the largest
+factorial whose answer fits in SBCL's 63-bit fixnums, so as to attempt
+to measure the maximum effect of dispatch (unobscured by allocation /
+gc issues)
+| fact (signum-gf) | %fact (fun) | %%fact (gf / 1meth) | fact (signum-gf / 1arg hash-special-case) |
+| 0.284 | 0.004 | 0.016 | 0.032 |
+| 0.076 | 0.008 | 0.012 | 0.024 |
+| 0.072 | 0.004 | 0.012 | 0.116 |
+| 0.264 | 0.004 | 0.008 | 0.120 |
+| 0.292 | 0.008 | 0.012 | 0.120 |
+| 0.264 | 0.004 | 0.016 | 0.084 |
+| 0.276 | 0.008 | 0.012 | 0.092 |
+| 0.264 | 0.008 | 0.012 | 0.036 |
+| 0.276 | 0.008 | 0.004 | 0.104 |
+| 0.272 | 0.004 | 0.012 | 0.020 |
+#+begin_src lisp
+(progn (gc :full t) (time (dotimes (i 10000) (%fact 20))))
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