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rework commands in light of long cache refresh time
authorChristophe Rhodes <csr21@cantab.net>
Mon, 11 Jun 2012 10:33:21 +0000 (11:33 +0100)
committerChristophe Rhodes <csr21@cantab.net>
Mon, 11 Jun 2012 10:33:21 +0000 (11:33 +0100)
The issue is that of get-iplayer itself managing its cache: if at any
point it decides that the cache is sufficiently stale, it goes off and
refreshes everything, which seems to take a long time -- if I'm
unlucky, breaking my ERC sessions (and in any case making the rest of
the editor session unusable).

Construct a background process and sentinel to manage the cache
updating before calling the real get-iplayer command.  The tricky bit
here is to make sure that the sentinel and real body get executed in
the right context.  Many things in the world are simpler with lexical
scoping; this would have been one of them, but I am still on emacs 23
and lexical binding is a thing of the future, so instead of making a
bunch of thunks to be called later, we have to save commands (well,
key sequences), but then those key sequences are divorced from the
window and frame that they were originally typed into, so we have to
get that context back.  Naive ways of doing that turn out not to work,
because execute-kbd-macro runs its own command loop, which first of
all selects a current frame and window, so if we've navigated away
from the *iplayer* window/buffer we end up adding keystrokes to
e.g. an ERC buffer, which is suboptimal; however, (ab)using the pre
and post command hooks seems to make things work.  So do that, and all
is well.


index 68d3a01190c95b22d37211623fa80b3168721478..882e5e961f3933464e28bdb8a36027b814bc77ce 100644 (file)
@@ -1,3 +1,66 @@
+(defvar iplayer-updating-cache-process nil)
+(defvar iplayer-updating-cache-sentinel-info nil)
+(defvar iplayer-updating-cache-sentinel-executing nil)
+(defun iplayer-updating-cache-sentinel (process event)
+  ;; FIXME: assumes that all went well
+  (let* ((iplayer-updating-cache-sentinel-executing t)
+         (info (reverse iplayer-updating-cache-sentinel-info)))
+    (setq iplayer-updating-cache-process nil
+          iplayer-updating-cache-sentinel-info nil)
+    (dolist (info info)
+      (let ((iplayer-command-frame (car info))
+            (iplayer-command-window (cadr info))
+            (iplayer-command-buffer (caddr info))
+            (keys (car (cdddr info))))
+        (when (and (frame-live-p iplayer-command-frame)
+                   (window-live-p iplayer-command-window)
+                   (buffer-live-p iplayer-command-buffer))
+          (let ((old-frame (selected-frame))
+                (old-window (selected-window))
+                (old-buffer (current-buffer)))
+            (let ((pre-command-hook
+                   (lambda ()
+                     (select-frame iplayer-command-frame)
+                     (select-window iplayer-command-window)
+                     (set-buffer iplayer-command-buffer)))
+                  (post-command-hook
+                   (lambda ()
+                     (select-window old-window)
+                     (select-frame old-frame)
+                     (set-buffer old-buffer))))
+              ;; KLUDGE: execute-kbd-macro executes a normal
+              ;; command-loop, whose first action is to select the
+              ;; current frame and window, which is why we contort
+              ;; things to select the frame/window/buffer we actually
+              ;; want in pre-command-hook.  I'm actually surprised
+              ;; that it works, but mine is not too much to reason
+              ;; why; lots of other ways to try to achieve this didn't
+              ;; in fact work.
+              (execute-kbd-macro keys))))))
+    (message "Done updating iPlayer cache")))
+(defmacro define-iplayer-command (name arglist &rest body)
+  (let (docstring interactive)
+    (when (stringp (car body))
+      (setq docstring (car body) body (cdr body)))
+    (when (and (consp (car body)) (eql (caar body) 'interactive))
+      (setq interactive (car body) body (cdr body)))
+    `(defun ,name ,arglist
+       ,@(when docstring (list docstring))
+       ,@(when interactive (list interactive))
+       (unless iplayer-updating-cache-process
+         (setq iplayer-updating-cache-process
+               (start-process "updating-iplayer" " *updating-iplayer*"
+                              "get-iplayer" "--type" "radio,tv" "-q"))
+         (set-process-sentinel iplayer-updating-cache-process
+                               'iplayer-updating-cache-sentinel)
+         (message "Updating iPlayer cache"))
+       (if iplayer-updating-cache-sentinel-executing
+           (progn ,@body)
+         (push (list (selected-frame) (selected-window) (current-buffer) (this-command-keys))
+               iplayer-updating-cache-sentinel-info)))))
 (defun get-iplayer-tree (&rest args)
     (apply #'call-process "get-iplayer" nil t nil "--nocopyright" "--type" "radio,tv" "--tree" "--terse" args)
     ("%" . "BBC Radio 5 live")
     ("^" . "BBC 6 Music")
     ("&" . "BBC 7")
-    ("*" . "BBC Radio 4 Extra")))
+    ("*" . "BBC Radio 4 Extra"))
+  "Alist mapping keys to iPlayer channels.
+Used in the `iplayer-preset' command.")
+(define-iplayer-command iplayer-preset (&optional prefix)
+  "Switch display to a preset channel.
-(defun iplayer-preset (&optional prefix)
+The presets are defined in the variable `iplayer-presets'."
   (interactive "p")
   (let ((keys (this-command-keys))
         (presets (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons (read-kbd-macro (car x)) (cdr x))) iplayer-presets)))
   (use-local-map iplayer-mode-map)
   (setq major-mode 'iplayer-mode mode-name "iPlayer"))
-(defun iplayer ()
+(define-iplayer-command iplayer ()
+  "Start the emacs iPlayer interface."
   (setq mode-line-process nil)
   (display-iplayer-tree (get-iplayer-tree)))