;;; FIXME: in some kind of order, the discriminating function needs to handle:
;;; - argument count checking;
;;; - keyword argument validity;
-;;; - flushing the emf cache on method addition/removal
+;;; - DONE flushing the emf cache on method addition/removal
;;; - flushing the cache on class redefinition;
;;; - cache thread-safety.
(defmethod sb-mop:compute-discriminating-function ((gf specializable-generic-function))
(sb-pcl::invoke-emf emfun args)
(slow-method-lookup gf args generalizers)))))
+(defmethod reinitialize-instance :after ((gf specializable-generic-function) &key)
+ (clrhash (emf-table gf)))
(defun slow-method-lookup (gf args generalizers)
;; differs from closette
(multiple-value-bind (applicable-methods definitivep)